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Nuclear Physics -Important Questions

                                             Nuclear Physics Show that nuclear density is independent of mass number. Explain the following- a) Electric quadrupole moment of a nucleus b) Magnetic moment of nucleus c) Orbital angular momentum of the nucleus d) Parity Explain the terms- mass defect, packing fraction, binding energy of a nucleus and binding energy per nucleon. Draw and explain the variation of packing fraction with mass number. Discuss graphically the variation of average binding energy per nucleon with mass number and stability of the nucleus. Using the binding energy curve, explain nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. What  do you mean by nuclear forces? State the properties of nuclear forces. Give the main assumptions of the liquid drop model of the nucleus. State the semi-empirical formula of Weizacker. Show the graph of binding energy per nucleon as the sum of volume, surface, coulomb and symmetry energies. Stating the main assumptions explain the shell model of the n

National Graduate Physics Examination (NGPE-2023)

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6th Semester- Physics General- WBSU- Complete Study Material [CBCS]

  West Bengal State University B.Sc Physics Program Semester-VI Nuclear and Particle Physics Complete Study Material with syllabus         Contents Link for Download Syllabus Whole Syllabus Chapter-I Chapter-I Chapter-II Chapter-II Chapter-II (Numericals) Chapter-II [N+Q] Chapter-III Chapter-IIII